Dr. Mehmet Kanbay: Serum Ürik Asit Düzeyinin Kan Basıncının Diürnal Ritmi Üzerine olan Etkisi
Dr. Nüket Rüzgaresen: Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi Hastalarının Klinik Bulgularında Gen Mutasyonlarının Rolü ve Trombin ile Aktive Edilebilen Fibrinoliz İnhibitör Düzeyleri ile İlişkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Dr. Faruk Hilmi Turgut: Postmenopozal Kadınlarda Kan Basıncının Diurnal Ritmi ile Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Arasındaki İlişki
Dr. Ebru Uz: Ratlarda Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulan Siklosporin Nefrotoksitesinde Erdosteinin Koruyucu Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
Dr. Derya Akdeniz: Kontrast Madde Nefropatisinde Erken Marker olarak KIM-1 Kullanımı
Dr. Sonay Güven Karataş: Fare Diyabetik Nefropati Patogenezinde CD-80, CD-86, CD-28 ve CTLA-4’ün Rolünün Araştırılması
Dr. Esra Bağlar: Preeklamsi Tanısı alan Hastalarda Serum Endocan Seviyesi ve Hastalık Şiddeti ile İlişkisi
Dr. Enes Şahiner: Obestatin ve Malnütrisyon İlişkisinin Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Değerlendirilmesi
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI)
C. Savas, M. Benekli, A. Akcay, A. Birdane. Heparin-associated refractory bronchospasm. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 31:253, 1997. (LETTER)
Akcay, B. Altun, C. Usalan, S. Ulusoy, A. A. Kiykim, Y. Erdem, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar. Hepatitis A viral infection-related acute renal failure. Nephron, 83:191–192, 1999. (LETTER)
Akcay, B. Altun, C. Usalan, S. Ulusoy, Y. Erdem, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar. Cyclical acute renal failure due to bilateral ureteral endometriosis. Clinical Nephrology, 52:179-182, 1999. (CASE REPORT)
Akcay, B. Altun, C. Usalan, D. Gunes, S. Ulusoy, A. A. Kiykim, Y. Erdem, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a patient with membranous glomerulonephritis. Nephron, 86:352–3, 2000. (LETTER)
A. Kiykim, B. Altun, C. Usalan, Y. Erdem, A. Akcay, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar. Extensive iliac and inferior vena cava thrombosis due to type IV crescentic glomerulonephritis. Clinical Nephrology, 54:E7-E8, 2000. (LETTER)
Ozdemir FN, Akcay A, Haberal M. Dialysis modalities in patients with acute renal failure. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 16 (Suppl 6):18–20, 2001. (REVIEW)
Ozdemir FN, Akcay A, Ozdemir BH, Turan M, Demirhan B, Colak T, Arat Z, Haberal M. Significance of diagnostic procedures for renal transplant graft function. Transplantation Proceedings, 34:2096–8, 2002. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Saatci U, Akman B, Akcay A, Ozdemir FN, Budak B, Haberal M. Effects of secondary hyperparathyroidism treatments on blood pressure and lipid levels in chronic renal failure patients. Transplantation Proceedings, 34:2041–3, 2002. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
A Akcay, Y Erdem, B Altun, C Usalan, E Agca, U Yasavul, C Turgan, S Caglar. The booster phenomenon in 2-step tuberculin skin testing of patients receiving long-term hemodialysis. American Journal of Infection Control, 31:371–374, 2003. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, T. Colak, A. Kut, M. Haberal. Contribution of late acute rejection to long-term renal allograft survival in patients with chronic allograft nephropathy. Transplantation Proceedings, 35:2637–8, 2003. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Micozkadioglu, T. Colak, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, F. B. Atac¸ H. Verdi, Z. Arat, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism significantly affects renal posttransplantation erythrocytosis. Transplantation Proceedings, 36:161–163, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, F. B. Atac, S. Sezer, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme genotype is a predictive factor in the peak panel-reactive antibody response. Transplantation Proceedings, 36:35–37, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
N. Ozdemir, S. Sezer, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, M. Turan, S. Gulmus, E. Kulah, M. Haberal. Panel reactive antibody positivity and associated HLA antibodies in Turkish renal transplant candidates. Transplant Immunology, 12:185–188, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay, M. Kanbay, S. Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir. Acute renal failure and hepatotoxicity associated with roxithromycin. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 38:721–722, 2004. (LETTER)
N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, Z. Arat, T. Colak, M. Turan, S. Gulmus, M. Haberal. Effect of simvastatin in the treatment of highly sensitized dialysis patients: the pre and post-renal transplantation follow-up outcomes. Transplant Immunology, 13:39–42, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, S. Boyacıoglu, M. Haberal. Renal transplantation offers a better survival in HCV infected ESRD patients. Clinical Transplantation, 18:619–623, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay, S. Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, T. Colak, M. Haberal. Association of the genetic polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system and endothelial nitric oxide synthase with chronic renal transplant dysfunction. Transplantation, 78:892-898, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay, M. Kanbay, E. Agca, S. Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir. Neutropenia due to clopidogrel in a patient with end-stage renal disease. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 38:1538–1539, 2004. (LETTER)
Agca,A. Akcay, H. Simsek. Ursodeoxycholic acid and terbinafine-induced toxic hepatitis. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 38:1088–1089, 2004. (LETTER)
N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, S. Boyacioğlu, B. H. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. A six-year follow-up after interferon-alpha monotherapy for chronic hepatitis C infection in hemodialysis patients. Renal Failure, 26:583–588, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Sezer S, Akcay A, Ozdemir FN, Kulah E, Arat Z, Haberal M. Post-transplant C-reactive protein monitoring can predict chronic allograft nephropathy. Clinical Transplantation, 18:722–725, 2004. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Sezer, M. Uyar, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, E. Kulah, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphisms can influence chronic inflammatory state in renal transplant patients. Transplantation Proceedings, 37:776–778, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, H. Micozkadioglu, Z. Arat, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, F. Sahin, M. Haberal. Association of the vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with hypercalcemia in CAPD patients. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 25(Suppl 3): S52–55, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Yildirir A, Ulus T, Bozbas H, Bilgi M, , Muderrisoglu H, Akcay A, Ozdemir FN. Statin therapy helps to control blood pressure levels in hypertensive dyslipidemic patients. Renal Failure, 27:297–303, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Ozdemir FN, Elsurer R, Akcay A, Ozdemir BH, Sezer S, Haberal M. Seronegative systemic lupus erythematosus: etiology of nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure in early postpartum period. Lupus, 14:629–31, 2005. (CASE REPORT)
Ozdemir FN, Akcay A, Elsurer R, Sezer S, Arat Z, Haberal M. Interdialytic weight gain is less with Mediterranean type of diet in hemodialysis patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 15:371–376, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Sezer S, Tutal E, Arat Z, Akcay A, Celik H, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Peritoneal transport status influence on atherosclerosis/inflammation in CAPD patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 15:427–434, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Akcay A, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Influence of cyclosporine and tacrolimus on serum uric acid levels in stable kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 37:3119–3120, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay A, Kanbay M, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Relationship of posttransplantation erythrocytosis to hypercalcemia in renal transplant recipients. TransplantationProceedings, 37:3103–3105, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Ozdemir FN, Akcay A, Bilgic A, Akgul A, Arat Z, Haberal M. Effects of smoking and blood eosinophil count on the development of arteriovenous fistulae thrombosis in hemodialysis patients. Transplantation Proceedings, 37:2918–2921, 2005. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay, A. Yildirir, A. Akcay, T. Colak, F.N. Ozdemir, H. Muderrisoglu, and M. Haberal. Effects of immunosuppressive drugs on serum lipid levels in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 38:502–505, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Ozdemir FN, Afsar B, Akgul A, Usluogullari C, Akcay A, Haberal M. Persistent hypercalcemia is a significant risk factor for graft dysfunction in renal transplantation recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 38:480–482, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Aydogan T, Kanbay M, Uz B, Kaya A, Isik A, Bozalan R, Erkman M, Akcay A. Fatal hyperphosphatemia secondary to a phosphosoda bowel preparation in a geriatric patient with normal renal function. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 40:177, 2006. (LETTER)
A Akcay, H Micozkadioglu, FB Atac, E Agca, FN Ozdemir. Relationship of ENOS and RAS gene polymorphisms to initial peritoneal transport status in peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephron, 104:c41–46, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
H Selcuk, M Korkmaz, G Gur, M Kanbay, A Akcay, FN Ozdemir, S Boyacioglu. Distribution of HCV genotypes in patients with end-stage renal disease according to type of dialysis treatment. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 51:1420–1425, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Isik B, Bayrak R, Akcay A, Sogut S. Erdosteine against acetaminophen induced renal toxicity. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 287:185–191, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Aydogan T, Kanbay M, Uraldi C, Kaya A, Uz B, Isik A, Akcay A, Erekul S. Kikuchi Fujimoto disease secondary to Entamoeba histolytica: Case report. Journal of Infection, 53:e171–173, 2006. (CASE REPORT)
A Kaya, M Kanbay, O Bayrak, H Kurtaran, N Ark, F Catal, A Akcay. Concomitant nephrotic syndrome with antinuclear antibody seropositivity and hashimoto thyroiditis in a patient with mycosis fungoides. Southern Medical Journal, 99:631, 2006. (LETTER)
Kanbay M, Kaya A, Bozalan R, Aydogan T, Uz B, Isik A, Akcay A. Gabapentin induced edema in a geriatric patient. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 29:186, 2006. (LETTER)
Kanbay M, Gur G, Akcay A, Selcuk H, Yilmaz U, Arslan H, Boyacioglu S, Ozdemir FN. Is Hepatitis C Virus Positivity a Contributing Factor to Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Hemodialysis Patients? Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 51:1962–1966, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Aydogan T, Bozalan R, Isik A, Uz B, Kaya A, Akcay A. A Rare but serious side effect of Levofloxacin: hypoglycemia in a geriatric patient. Diabetes Care, 29:1716–1717, 2006. (LETTER)
Bavbek N, Kargili A, Akcay A, Kaya A. Recurrent hyponatremia associated with citalopram and mirtazapine. American Journal of Kidney Disease, 48:e61–62, 2006. (CASE REPORT)
Usta B, Gozdemir M, Turgut F, Sert H, Kanbay M, Demircioglu RI, Akcay A. Does hypocalcemia trigger pulmonary embolism? Medical Hypotheses, 68:464–465, 2006. (LETTER)
M Kanbay, T Delibasi, A Kaya, T Aydogan, C Koca, A Akcay, M Duranay, R Yigitoglu. Effect of dialysis type on serum lipids, apolipoproteins and lipoproteins. Renal Failure, 28:567–71, 2006. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
A Kaya, M Kanbay, O Bayrak, G Eken, L Memis, A Akcay, M Duranay. Primary renal lymphoma associated with hepatitis C virus infection. Leukemia&Lymphoma, 47:1976–1978, 2006. (LETTER)
Altay M, Kanbay M, Kurultak I, Altay FA, Aydogan T, Akcay A, Duranay M. A case of bilateral psoas abscesses and lumbar osteomyelitis due to recurrent salmonella infection. Journal of the National Medical Association, 98:1855–1856, 2006. (CASE REPORT)
Kanbay M, Akcay A. Reply to Basevitch et Al. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 41:118, 2007. (AUTHOR REPLY)
Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Helicobacter pylori: A major risk factor for endothelial dysfunction? Medical Hypotheses, 69:227–228, 2007. (LETTER)
Kanbay M, Alkis M, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Hyponatremia Due to an Additive Effect of Carbamazepine and Clarithromycin. Southern Medical Journal, 100:222, 2007. (LETTER)
F Turgut, M Kanbay, B Uz, A Carlioglu, Y Selcoki, A Karanfil, O Alici, A Akcay. Forgotten but an important risk factor for infective endocarditis in patients with prosthetic valve: Pedicure. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 39:274–6, 2007. (CASE REPORT)
Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Isik B, Turgut F, Uz E, Bavbek N, Akcay A. H. pylori: A major risk factor for ‘non-dipper’ circadian variability profile in blood pressure? Medical Hypotheses, 69:463–464, 2007. (LETTER)
Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Akcay A. An occult risk factor for proteinuria: Helicobacter pylori infection. Medical Hypotheses, 69:709–710,2007. (LETTER)
Duranay M, Kanbay M, Turgut F, Altay M, Akcay A. Comparison of Incidence of Peritonitis between Peritoneal Dialysis Solution Types. Nephron, 106:c57-c60, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
F Turgut, M Kanbay, B Isik, A Akcay. Risk factors affecting the incidence of chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 71:1076, (AUTHOR REPLY)
B Yanik, N Bavbek, T Yanik, I Inegol, M Kanbay, FH Turgut, E Uz, A Akcay. The Effect of Alendronate, Risedronate and Raloxifene on Renal Functions, Based on the Cockcroft and Gault Method, in Postmenopausal Women. Renal Failure, 29:471–476, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Bavbek N, Delibasi T, Koca C, Kaya A, Altay M, Akcay A, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R. Effect of peritoneal dialysis solution type on serum lipid levels in end-stage renal disease. Renal Failure, 29:309–313, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
M Kanbay, A Akcay, T Delibasi, B Uz, A Kaya, C Koca, F Turgut, N Bavbek, E Uz, M Duranay, R Yigitoglu. Comparison of Effect of Darbepoetin Alfa and Epoetin Alfa on Serum Endothelin Level and Blood Pressure. Advances in Therapy, 24:346–352, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
F Turgut, M Kanbay, A Kaya, B Uz, A Akcay. Bilateral renal artery embolization in a case with severe proteinuria secondary to amyloidosis in a hemodialysis patient. Amyloid-Journal of Protein Folding Disorders, 14:157–158, 2007. (CASE REPORT)
Selcoki Y, Uz E, Bayrak R, Sahin S, Kaya A, Uz B, Karanfil A, Ozkara A, Akcay A. The protective effect of erdosteine against cyclosporine A-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. Toxicology, 239:53–59, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
M Kanbay, B Isik, A Akcay, A Ozkara, F Karakurt, F Turgut, R Aklan, E Uz, N Bavbek, R Yigitoglu, A Covic. Relation between serum calcium, phosphate, parathyroid hormone and ‘non-dipper’ circadian blood pressure variability profile in patients with normal renal function. American Journal of Nephrology, 27:516–521, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Kargili A, Kaftan O, Karakurt F, Kosar A, Akcay A. Elevated concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules and large plateletes in diabetic patients: Are they markers of vascular disease and diabetic nephropathy? Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 13:391–397, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Uz E, Bavbek N, Turgut FH, Kanbay M, Kaya A, Akcay A. Cefuroxime-induced lupus. Journal of the National Medical Association, 99:1066–7, 2007. (CASE REPORT)
Kanbay M, Turgut F, Karakurt F, Isik B, Alkan R, Akcay A, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Relation between Serum Thyroid Hormone and ‘Nondipper’ Circadian Blood Pressure Variability. Kidney Blood Pressure Research, 30:416–420, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Akay H, Altay M, Uz E, Turgut F, Uyar ME, Karanfil A, Selcoki Y, Akcay A, Duranay M. Serum BNP concentration and left ventricular mass in CAPD and automated peritoneal dialysis patients. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 27:663–668, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Ozkara A, Selcoki Y, Isik B, Turgut F, Bavbek N, Uz E, Akcay A, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Effect of treatment of hyperuricemia with allopurinol on blood pressure, creatinine clearance, and proteinuria in patients with normal renal functions. International Urology and Nephrology, 39:1227–33, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Ozkara A, Turgut F, Selcoki Y, Karanfil A, Metin MR, Kanbay M, Tekin O, Akcay A. Probrain natriuretic Peptide for assessment of efficacy in heart failure treatment. Advances in Therapy, 24:1233–9, 2007. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Y Selcoki, F Turgut, M Kanbay, A Ozkara, O Tekin, B Uz, A Akcay. Cardiac valve calcifications and predictive parameters in hemodialysis patients. Central European Journal of Medicine, 2:304–312, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bayrak O, Turgut F, Karatas OF, Cimentepe E, Bayrak R, Catal F, Atis O, Akcay A, Unal D. Oral beta-Glucan Protects Kidney against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats. American Journal of Nephrology, 28:190–196, 2008. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Alkan R, Uz E, Kaftan O, Akcay A. Hyponatremia associated with sodium valproate in a 22-year-old male. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23:410, (LETTER)
Selcoki Y, Gorpelioglu C, Turgut F, Sarifakioglu E, Ozkara A, Tekin O, Kanbay M, Akcay A. Isotretinoin: is there any arrhythmic effect? International Journal of Dermatology, 47:195–7, 2008. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Uz E, Bayrak O, Uz E, Kaya A, Bayrak R, Uz B, Turgut FH, Bavbek N, Kanbay M, Akcay A. Nigella sativa Oil for Prevention of Chronic Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity: An Experimental Model. American Journal of Nephrology. 28:517–522, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Turgut F, Bayrak O, Kanbay M, Ozkara A, Uz E, Bavbek N, Kargili A, Akcay A. Circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 42:47–52, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Altay M, Turgut F, Akay H, Kanbay M, Babali A, Akcay A, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R, Covic A. Dyspepsia in Turkish patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. International Urology and Nephrology, 40:211–7, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
A Ozkara, F Turgut, M Kanbay, Y Selcoki, A Akcay. Population-based cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly in Turkey: a cross-sectional survey. Central European Journal of Medicine, 3:173–178, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bayrak O, Uz E, Bayrak R, Turgut F, Atmaca AF, Sahin S, Yıldırım ME, Kaya A, Cimentepe E, Akcay A. Curcumin protects against ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. World Journal of Urology 26:285–291, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
F Catal, N Bavbek, O Bayrak, E Uz, B Isik, M Karabel, H Degirmencioglu, E Mete, A Akcay. Platelet Parameters in Children with Upper Urinary Tract Infection: Is There a Specific Response? Renal Failure, 30:377-381, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bayrak O, Bavbek N, Karatas OF, Bayrak R, Catal F, Cimentepe E, Akbas A, Yildirim E, Unal D, Akcay A. Nigella sativa protects against ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23:2206–2212, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Turgut F, Bayrak O, Catal F, Bayrak R, Atmaca AF, Koc A, Akbas A, Akcay A, Unal D. Antioxidant and protective effects of silymarin on ischemia and reperfusion injury in the kidney tissues of rats. International Urology and Nephrology, 40:453–460, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Y Selcoki, B Uz, N Baybek, A Akcay, B Eryonucu. The effects of nocturnal dipping on cardiovascular outcomes and proteinuria in essential hypertensive patients. Central European Journal of Medicine, 3:279–286, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Turgut F, Akcay A. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with higher mortality in men with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 74:967–8, (AUTHOR REPLY)
H Kurtaran, M Erkmen Uyar, B Kasapoglu, C Turkay, T Yilmaz, A Akcay, M Kanbay. Role of Helicobacter Pylori in Pathogenesis of Upper Respiratory System Diseases. Journal of the National Medical Association, 100:1224–1230, (REVIEW)
Kanbay M, Turgut F, Erkmen Uyar M, Akcay A, Covic A. Causes and mechanisms of nondipping hypertension. Clinical Experimental Hypertension, 30:585–597, (REVIEW)
Altay M, Turgut F, Karakurt F, Kaya R, Ecemis Z, Gonen N, Akcay A, Duranay M. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum. International Urology and Nephrology 40:1099–101, (CASE REPORT)
Turgut F, Kanbay M, Metin MR, Uz E, Akcay A, Covic A. Magnesium supplementation helps to improve carotid intima media thickness in patients on hemodialysis. International Urology and Nephrology, 40:1075–82, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Isik B, Kargili A, Uz E, Uz B, Kanbay M, Turgut F, Karakurt F, Akcay A. Association of obesity with inflammation in occult chronic kidney disease. Journal of Nephrology, 21:761–7, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Karakurt F, Gumus II, Bavbek N, Kargili A, Koca C, Selcoki Y, Ozbek M, Kosar A, Akcay A. Increased thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor antigen levels as a clue for prothrombotic state in polycystic ovary syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology, 24:491–7, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kanbay M, Goldsmith D, Akcay A, Covic A. Phosphate – the silent stealthy cardiorenal culprit in all stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. Blood Purification, 27:220–30, (REVIEW)
Kanbay M, Kasapoglu B, Akcay A. Sodium bicarbonate vs sodium chloride in preventing contrast medium-induced nephropathy. JAMA, 301:378, (AUTHOR REPLY)
Kanbay M, Covic A, Coca SG, Turgut F, Akcay A, Parikh CR. Sodium bicarbonate for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: a meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials. International Urology and Nephrology, 41:617–27, (REVIEW)
Uz E, Karatas OF, Mete E, Bayrak R, Bayrak O, Atmaca AF, Atis O, Yildirim ME, Akcay A. The effect of dietary ginger (Zingiber officinals Rosc) on renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Renal Failure, 31:251–60, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
F Turgut, M Kanbay, M Altay, E Uz, N Bavbek, C Koca, S Secilmis, M Duranay, A Akcay, A Covic. Pro-Hepcidin Levels in Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Patients. Dialysis&Transplantation, 38:203–8, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Gumus II, Uz E, Bavbek N, Kargili A, Yanik B, Turgut FH, Akcay A, Turhan NO. Does glomerular hyperfiltration in pregnancy damage the kidney in women with more parities? International Urology and Nephrology, 41:927–32, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Turgut F, Akcay A. Renal function estimation in cirrhosis. American Journal of Transplantation, 9:1968, (AUTHOR REPLY)
Akcay A, Nguyen Q, Edelstein CL. Mediators of inflammation in acute kidney injury. Mediators of Inflammation, 2009:137072, (REVIEW)
Bavbek N, Akay H, Uz B, Uz E, Turgut F, Kanbay M, Senes M, Akcay A, Duranay M. The effects of L-carnitine therapy on respiratory function tests in chronic hemodialysis patients. Renal Failure, 32:157–61, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kargili A, Turgut FH, Karakurt F, Kasapoglu B, Kanbay M, Akcay A. A forgotten but important risk factor for severe hyponatremia: myxedema coma. Clinics (Sao Paulo), 65:447–8, (LETTER)
Kanbay M, Nicoleta M, Selcoki Y, Ikizek M, Aydin M, Eryonucu B, Duranay M, Akcay A, Armutcu F, Covic A. Fibroblast growth factor 23 and fetuin A are independent predictors for the coronary artery disease extent in mild chronic kidney disease. Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology, 5:1780–6, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Kasapoglu B, Isik A, Kargili A, Kirbas I, Akcay A. Olmesartan associated with acute renal failure in a patient with bilateral renal artery stenosis. Renal Failure, 32:1115–72, 2010. (CASE REPORT)
Turkmen K, Martin J, Akcay A, Nguyen Q, Ravichandran K, Faubel S, Pacic A, Ljubanović D, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Apoptosis and autophagy in cold preservation ischemia. Transplantation, 91:1192–7, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay A, Nguyen Q, He Z, Turkmen K, Lee DW, Andres-Hernando A, Altmann C, Toker A, Pacic A, Ljubanovic DG, Jani A, Faubel S, Edelstein CL. IL–33 Exacerbates Acute Kidney Injury. Journal of American Society of Nephrology, 22:2057–67, (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yakut ZI, Karadag R, Akcay A, Bavbek N, Akay H, Koktener A. Effect of dialysis type on orbital vascular flow in patients with end-stage renal disease. Renal Failure. 2012;34(6):691-6. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Unverdi S, Ceri M, Unverdi H, Yilmaz R, Akcay A, Duranay M. Postpartum persistent proteinuria after preeclampsia: a single-center experience. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2013 Feb;125(3-4):91-5. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Kim HJ, Lee DW, Ravichandran K, O Keys D, Akcay A, Nguyen Q, He Z, Jani A, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL. NLRP3 inflammasome knockout mice are protected against ischemic but not cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2013 Sep;346(3):465-72. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Bilgiç MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Cefpodoxime proxetil-related hemolysis and acute interstitial nephritis. Curr Drug Saf. 2013 Apr;8(2):145-7. (CASE REPORT)
Unverdi S, Ceri M, Uz E, Akgul B, Altay M, Kirac Y, Akcay A, Duranay M. The effectiveness of oral essential aminoacids and aminoacids containing dialysate in peritoneal dialysis. Renal Failure. 2014 Oct;36(9):1416-9. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Gürel OM, Celik HT, Sahiner E, Yildirim ME, Bilgiç MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. CA 125 levels and left ventricular function in patients with end-stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis. Renal Failure. 2014 Mar;36(2):210-6. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Celik HT, Namuslu M, Inan O, Onaran Y, Karakurt F, Ayyildiz A, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Benefits of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio for the prediction of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2014 Jan;122(1):39-43. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Ceri M, Akdeniz D, Kargili A, Duranay M, Erdemli K, Akcay A, Guz G. Higher thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor levels are associated with inflammation in attack-free familial Mediterranean fever patients. Renal Failure. 2014 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print] (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bavbek N, Yilmaz H, Erdemli HK, Selcuki Y, Duranay M, Akcay A. Correlation between iron stores and QTc dispersion in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. Renal Failure. 2014 Mar;36(2):187-90. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Celik HT, Gurel OM, Bilgic MA, Namuslu M, Bozkurt H, Ayyildiz A, Inan O, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Increased serum levels of GDF-15 associated with mortality and subclinical atherosclerosis in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Herz. 2014 Aug 14. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Inan O, Darcin T, Bilgic MA, Akcay A. Serum galectin-3 levels were associated with proteinuria in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2014 Jul 25. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Gurel OM, Celik HT, Bozkurt A, Yildirim ME, Bilgic I, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Relationship of galectin-3 to left ventricular geometry and hypertrophy in chronic hemodialysis patients. 2014 Jun 14. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Bilgic MA, Yilmaz H, Bozkurt A, Celik HT, Bilgic IC, Gurel OM, Kirbas I, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Relationship of late arteriovenous fistula stenosis with soluble E-selectin and soluble EPCR in chronic hemodialysis patients with arteriovenous fistula. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2014 Mar 14. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Cakmak M, Inan O, Darcin T, Akcay A. Can neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio be independent risk factor for predicting acute kidney injury in patients with severe sepsis? Ren Fail. 2014 Nov 14:1-5. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Bozkurt A, Cakmak M, Celik HT, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Relationship between late arteriovenous fistula (AVF) stenosis and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in chronic hemodialysis patients. Ren Fail. 2014 Oct;36(9):1390-4. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Gurel OM, Yilmaz H, Celik TH, Cakmak M, Namuslu M, Bilgiç AM, Bavbek N, Akcay A, Eryonucu B. Galectin-3 as a new biomarker of diastolic dysfunction in hemodialysis patients. 2015 Aug;40(5):788-794. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Yalcin KS, Namuslu M, Celik HT, Sozen M, Inan O, Nadir I, Turkay C, Akcay A, Kosar A. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Could Be Better Predictor than C-reactive Protein (CRP) for Liver Fibrosis in Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2015 Spring;45(3):278-86. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Cakmak M, Darcin T, Inan O, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Can Serum Gdf-15 be Associated with Functional Iron Deficiency in Hemodialysis Patients? Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. First online: 27 May 2015. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akdeniz D, Celik HT, Kazanci F, Yilmaz H, Yalcin S, Bilgic MA, Ruzgaresen N, Akcay A, Eryonucu B. Is Kidney Injury Molecule 1 a Valuable Tool for the Early Diagnosis of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy? J Investig Med. 2015 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print] (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Cakmak M, Yilmaz H, Bağlar E, Darcin T, Inan O, Aktas A, Celik HT, Ozdemir O, Atalay CR, Akcay A. Serum levels of endocan correlate with the presence and severity of pre-eclampsia. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2015 Sep 29:1-6. [Epub ahead of print] (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Cakmak M, Inan O, Darcin T, Aktas A, Gurel OM, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Association of ambulatory arterial stiffness index with sEPCR in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients. Ren Fail. 2015 Oct;37(9):1409-13. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Cakmak M, Inan O, Darcin T, Akcay A. Increased levels of galectin-3 were associated with prediabetes and diabetes: new risk factor? J Endocrinol Invest. 2015 May;38(5):527-33
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
Karadag R, Yagci R, Aydin B, Kanbay M, Erdurmus M, Keskin UC, Akcay A, Durmus M. Effects of erytropoietin treatment and hemodialysis on the serum endothelin level and intraocular pressure of hemodialysis patients. International Ophthalmology, 29:385–8, 2009.(ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Akcay A, Turkmen L, Lee DW, Edelstein CL. Update on the diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury. International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 3:129–140, (REVIEW)
Yılmaz H, Sahiner E, Darcin T, Celik HT, Bilgic MA, Akcay A. Is vitamin D supplementation a new hope for the therapy of the septic shock? Endocr Regul. 2013 Jul;47(3):133-6. (REVIEW)
Yilmaz H, Uyfun M, Yilmaz TS, Namuslu M, Inan O, Taskin A, Cakmak M, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A, Kosar A. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio may be superior to C-reactive protein for predicting the occurrence of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Endocr Regul. 2014;48(1):25-33. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Yilmaz H, Namuslu M, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. The coexistence of renal cell carcinoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with hypercalcemic crisis as the initial presentation. Endocr Regul. 2014 Jul;48(3):113-9. (CASE REPORT)
Yilmaz H, Cakmak M, Darcin T, Inan O, Gurel OM, Bilgic MA, Bavbek N, Akcay A. Subclinical hypothyroidism in combination with vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of impaired left ventricular diastolic function. Endocr Regul. 2015 Apr;49(2):84-90. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Emri, S. Erguven, E. Agca, M. Er, A. Akcay, G. Hascelik, H. Akay, Y. I. Baris. The diagnostic value of dot immunobinding assay for human hydatid disease. 8th ERS Annual Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1998.
Akcay, Y. Erdem, B. Altun, S. Ulusoy, C. Usalan, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar, S. Kirazli. The booster phenomenon in tuberculin skin testing of hemodialysis patients and the relationship with soluble interleukin 2 receptor levels. 36th ERA-EDTA Congress, Madrid, Spain, September 1999.
A. Kiykim, B. Altun, Y. Erdem, C. Usalan, S. Ulusoy, A. Akcay, I. C. Haznedaroglu, U. Yasavul, C. Turgan, S. Caglar, S. Kirazli. The serum adhesion molecule characteristics of various stages of Familial Mediterranean Fever patients. 36th ERA-EDTA Congress, Madrid, Spain, September 1999.
Ertugrul, A. Koksal, A. Olut, A. Akcay, E. Agca, S. Kirazli, S. Emri. The diagnostic value of TNFα and TNFα receptor levels in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. 10th ERS Annual Congress, Florence, Italy, September 2000.
Gökce, I. H. Gullu, I. Barista, N. Zengin, M. K. Altundag, O. Altundag, A. Akcay, S. Marangoz, C. Izgi, G. Tekuzman. Prognostic value of serum promatrixmetalloproteinase-2 (proMMP-2) levels in colorectal cancer. 25th ESMO Congress, Hamburg, Germany, October 2000.
N. Ozdemir, T. Colak, M. Turan, A. Akcay, S. Gulmus, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. The influence of simvastatin in the treatment of highly sensitized dialysis patients: the long-term pre and post-renal transplantation outcomes. 27th Annual ASHI Meeting, California, USA, October 2001.
Saatci, B. Akman, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Haberal, B. Budak, M. Haberal. Effects of secondary hyperparathyroidism treatments on blood pressure and lipid levels in chronic renal failure patients. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, California, USA, October 2001.
N. Ozdemir, S. Sezer, A. Akcay, B. H. Ozdemir, M. Turan, M. Haberal. Interferon-a in the treatment of chronic HCV infection in hemodialysis patients: a prospective 5-year follow-up study. ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology, California, USA, October 2001.
Sezer, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Ulucam, Z. Arat, R. Erdal, M. Haberal. Determinants of ambulatory blood pressure in CAPD patients. XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002.
Sezer, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, B. Budak, A. Haberal, M. Haberal. Risk factors for excessive weight gain in patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002.
Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, T. Colak, Z. Arat, H. Micozkadioglu, E. Kulah, M. Haberal. Assessment of risk factors for chronic rejection in renal transplantation. XIX International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Miami, USA, August 2002.
Colak, S. Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, A. Kut, R. Erdal, M. Haberal. Contribution of late acute rejection to long-term renal allograft survival in patients with chronic rejection. 8th MESOT Congress, Muscat, Oman, October 2002.
Sezer, Z. Arat, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, M. Turan, M. Haberal. Peritoneal transport status and clinical consequences in CAPD patients. 23th Annual Dialysis Conference, Seattle, USA, March 2003.
N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, F. B. Atac, H. Micozkadioglu, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, R. Erdal. Genetic polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensın system (RAS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (e-NOS) in Turkish end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. 2nd World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, Germany, June 2003.
Sezer, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, F. B. Atac, A. Ibis, M. Haberal. Risk factors of permanent ultrafiltration failure in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) therapy. 2nd World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, Germany, June 2003.
Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, F. B. Atac, S. Sezer, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genotype is a predictive factor in the peak panel-reactive antibody (PRA) Response. 2nd World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, Germany, June 2003.
Micozkadioglu, T. Colak, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, F. N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism significantly affects renal posttransplantation erythrocytosis. 2nd World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, Germany, June 2003.
FN Ozdemir, FB Atac, Akcay, N. Ozbek, M. Haberal. Role of genetic factors in vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients. 24th Annual Dialysis Conference, San Antonio, USA, February 2004.
Sezer, M. Uyar, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. C-reactive protein is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease in renal transplant recipients. XX International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Vienna, Austria, September 2004.
Sezer, M. Uyar, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, E. Kulah, F. N. Ozdemir, M Haberal. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and angiotensin II type 1-receptor gene polymorphisms can influence chronic inflammatory state in renal transplant patients. XX International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Vienna, Austria, September 2004.
Akcay,H. Micozkadioglu, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, F.N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism is associated with initial peritoneal transport type in peritoneal dialysis patients. 1st Joint Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 2004.
Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, H. Micozkadioglu, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, F. I. Sahin, M. Haberal. Association of the vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with hypercalcemia in CAPD patients. 1st Joint Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 2004.
Sezer, E. Tutal, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. RAS and ENOS gene polymorphisms in Turkish dialysis patients and their possible influence on survival. 1st Joint Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 2004.
N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, R. Elsurer, D. Guller, B. Akman, M. Haberal. A survey of peritonitis of our continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. 1st Joint Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 2004.
Akcay A, Kanbay M, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Relationship of post-transplant erythrocytosis with hypercalcemia in renal transplant recipients. IX MESOT Congress, Ankara, Turkey, December 2004.
Kanbay M, Akcay A, Huddam B, Usluogullari CA, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Influences of cyclosporine and tacrolimus on serum uric acid levels in stable kidney transplant recipients. IX MESOT Congress, Ankara, Turkey, December 2004.
N. Ozdemir, E. Tutal, Z. Arat, A. Zumrutdal, A. Akcay, H. Celik, S. Sezer, M. Haberal. Chronic hepatitis C infection prevalence and effect on clinical status of hemodialysis patients in our center. 25th Annual Dialysis Conference, Florida, USA, March 2005.
Sezer, F. N. Ozdemir, E. Tutal, F. Sahin, A Akcay, M. Haberal. Vitamin D receptor BsmI and TagI gene polymorphisms in Turkish ESRD population and influences on parathyroid hormone response. 25th Annual Dialysis Conference, Florida, USA, March 2005.
N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, A. Akcay, A. Erdem, E. Agca, S. Sezer, M. Haberal. The effect of hemodialysis duration on 703 chronic hemodialysis patients in our center. 25th Annual Dialysis Conference, Florida, USA, March 2005.
Afsar, A. Akcay, H. Celik, S. Sezer, M. Haberal. Malnutrition-inflammation score is a useful scoring system in peritoneal dialysis patients. XLIIERA-EDTA Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005.
Akgul, A. Bilgic, A. Akcay, Z. Arat, I. Olcay, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Haberal. Effect of protein-energy malnutrition on erythropoietin requirement in maintenance hemodialysis patients. XLII ERA-EDTA Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005.
Akcay A, Bilgic A, Akgul A, Arat Z, Ozdemir FN, Haberal M. Effects of smoking and blood eosinophil count on the development of arterio-venous fistula thrombosis in hemodialysis patients. XLII ERA-EDTA Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005.
H. Ozdemir, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, M. Turan, M. Haberal. Influence of simvastatin on angiogenesis and interstitial fibrosis in renal allografts that were under simvastatin therapy pre and post transplantation for the treatment of sensitization. 3rd World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, June 2005.
H. Ozdemir, F. N. Ozdemir, A. Akcay, F. B. Atac, M. Haberal. Angiotensinogen T235 and ACE insertion/deletion polymorphisms associated with the development of post-transplant diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients. 3rd World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, June 2005.
Akcay A, Afsar B, Ozdemir F. N., Elsurer R, Sezer S, Haberal M. Serum uric acid: a metabolic marker of nocturnal status in blood pressure? 3rd World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, June 2005.
Kanbay M, Bavbek N, Delibasi T, Koca C, Kaya A, Altay M, Akcay A, Duranay M, Yigitoglu R. Effect of peritoneal dialysis solution type on serum lipid levels in end-stage renal disease. The 11th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, Hong Kong, August
M Kanbay, T Delibasi, A Kaya, T Aydogan, C Koca, A Akcay, M Duranay, R Yigitoglu. Effect of dialysis type on serum lipids, apolipoproteins and lipoproteins. The 11th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, Hong Kong, August
M Kanbay, F Turgut, R Alkan, A Ozkara, E Uz, N Bavbek, A Akcay, R Yigitoglu, A Covic.Relation between serum calcium, phosphate, parathyroid hormone and non-dipper circadian variability profile in hypertensives with normal renal function. XLIV ERA-EDTA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, June 2007
N Bavbek, A Kargili, B Uz, E Uz, M Kanbay, F Turgut, F Karakurt, A Akcay. Association of obesity with inflammation in chronic kidney disease. XLIV ERA-EDTA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, June 2007
F Turgut, M Kanbay, MR Metin, E Uz, N Bavbek, A Akcay. Magnesium therapy helps to improve carotid intima media thickness in hemodialysis patients. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2008
F Turgut, M Kanbay, M Altay, E Uz, N Bavbek, C Koca, S Secilmis, M Duranay, A Akcay, A Covic. Levels and determinants of pro-hepcidin in peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2008
II Gumus, E Uz, A Kargili, NB Ruzgaresen, B Yanik, F Turgut, A Akcay, N Turhan. Increased parity and glomerular filtration rate: Is there any association? XLV ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2008
E Uz, O Faruk, F Catal, R Bayrak, O Bayrak, A Atmaca, O Atis, E Yildirim, A Akcay. The effect of dietary ginger (zingiber officinales rosc) on renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2008
F Turgut, O Bayrak, F Catal, R Bayrak, AF Atmaca, A Koc, A Akbas, A Akcay, D Unal. Antioxidant and protective effects of silymarin on renal ischemia and reperfusion injury in the kidney tissues of rat. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2008
A Akcay, Q Nguyen, S Faubel, Z He, A Jani, CL Edelstein. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury (CisAKI). ASN Renal Week, San Diego, USA, October 2009
A Akcay, Q Nguyen, Turkmen K, Z He, S Faubel, A Jani, CL Edelstein. The Injurious Role of IL-33 in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury. ASN Renal Week, San Diego, USA, November 2010
A Akcay, Q Nguyen, Turkmen K, Lee DW, Z He, A Jani, S Faubel, CL Edelstein. Activation of NALP3 Inflammasome in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury. ASN Renal Week, San Diego, USA, November 2010
A Akcay, Turkmen K, Q Nguyen, Z He, S Faubel, A Jani, CL Edelstein. CD4 T Cells and CXCL1 in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury. ASN Renal Week, San Diego, USA, November 2010
Turkmen K, A Akcay, Martin J, Zafar I, Q Nguyen, Z He, Lee DW, A Jani, CL Edelstein. The Effect of Bafilomycin A1 on Apoptosis and Autophagy in Cold Preservation Ischemia. ASN Renal Week, San Diego, USA, November 2010
Derya Akdeniz, Huseyin Tugrul Celik, Hakki Yilmaz, Fatmanur Kazanci, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Nuket Bavbek, Ali Akcay. Is Kim-1 Is a Valuable Diagnostic Tool for Early Diagnosis of Contrast Induced Nephropathy? ASN Renal Week, Atlanta, USA, November 2013
Hakki Yilmaz, Huseyin Tugrul Celik, Ali Akcay, Ozgul Malcok Gurel, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Nuket Bavbek. Increased Serum Levels of GDF-15 Are Associated with Cardiovascular Death, Subclinic Atherosclerosis in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis. ASN Renal Week, Atlanta, USA, November 2013
Basri Budak, Mehmet Kanbay, Ali Akcay, Ali Riza Odabas, Serkan Kubilay Koc. Serum Mineral Parameters Are Associated with Blood Cell Morphology in Non-Diabetic Chronic Hemodialysis Patients. ASN Renal Week, Atlanta, USA, November 2013
Hakki Yilmaz, Ozgul Malcok Gurel, Huseyin Tugrul Celik, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Nuket Bavbek, Ali Akcay.Relationship between Serum Cancer Antigen 125 (Ca125) and Left Ventricular (LV) Function in Patients on Maintance Hemodialysis. ASN Renal Week, Atlanta, USA, November 2013
Hakki Yilmaz, Osman Inan, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Nuket Bavbek, Ali Akcay. Can Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio Be Independent Risk Factor for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Severe Sepsis? ASN Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 2014
Hakki Yilmaz, Osman Inan, Huseyin Tugrul Celik, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Nuket Bavbek, Ali Akcay. Can Serum GDF-15 Be Associated with Functional Iron Deficiency in Hemodialysis Patients? ASN Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 2014
Nuket Bavbek, Derya Akdeniz, Hakki Yilmaz, Umran Yildirim, Onur Bender, Zehra Firat, Muradiye Acar, Omer Faruk Hatipoglu, Ayse Mukadder Bilgic, Esra Gunduz, Ali Akcay. Overexpression of microRNAs May Be Key to Decreased Autophagy and PRR in the Pathogenesis of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. ASN Renal Week, Philadelphia, USA, November 2014
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
A.Akçay, G. Tatar. İnflamatuvar barsak hastalığının medikal tedavisi, İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi, 10:11–16, 1997. (DERLEME)
A.Akçay, Y. Erdem, B. Altun, C. Usalan, Ş. Ulusoy, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar. Hemodiyaliz hastalarında deri testlerine karşı anerjik yanıt gelişimi ile serum soluble interlökin-2 reseptör (sIL-2R) düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki, AİBÜ Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2:56-61, 2000. (MAKALE)
A.Akçay, F. N. Özdemir. Akut böbrek yetmezliğinde diyaliz tedavisi, Türkiye Tıp Dergisi Dâhili Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 9: 92–94, 2002. (DERLEME)
S. Sezer, A.Akçay, F. N. Özdemir, M. Uluçam, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi hastalarında sol ventrikül hipertrofisi ve ambulatuvar kan basıncının belirleyicileri, Türkiye Tıp Dergisi Dâhili Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 10:51–54, 2003.(MAKALE)
M Erdurmuş, R Yağcı, B Aydın, M Kanbay, R Karadağ, A Akçay, M Durmuş. Hemodiyalizin Göz İçi Basıncı ve Santral Korneal Kalınlık Üzerine Etkisi, Glokom-Katarakt, 40:267–270, 2006. (MAKALE)
Yilmaz H, Akcay A. Akut Böbrek Hasarının Etiyoloji ve Fizyopatolojisi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nephrol-Special Topics. 7(1):7-13, 2014. (DERLEME)
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler
M. C. Savaş, M. Benekli, A. A. Kıykım, A. Birdane, A. Akçay, Ş. Uğurlu. Heparin tedavisi sırasında gelişen refrakter bronkospasm. 14. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 1996.
A. Akçay, C. Usalan, B. Altun, Ş. Ulusoy, A. A. Kıykım, Y. Erdem, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar, M. Bakkaloğlu, İ. Erkan. Renal transplant hastalarında tüberkülin deri testi: anerjik yanıt ve booster fenomeni ile sIL-2R düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki. Doku ve Organ Transplantasyonlarında Son Gelişmeler, Ankara, 1999.
A. Akçay, Y. Erdem, C. Usalan, B. Altun, Ş. Ulusoy, A. A. Kıykım, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar, Ş. Kirazlı. Hemodiyaliz hastalarında booster fenomeni ve anerji: soluble interlökin 2 reseptör düzeyleri ile ilişkisi. 1. Ulusal Hipertansiyon&Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 1999.
Usalan, Y. Erdem, B. Altun, Ş. Ulusoy, A. Akçay, A. A. Kıykım, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar. Renal transplant hastalarında paratiroid hormon düzeyleri ile kemik kitlesinin belirleyicileri. 1. Ulusal Hipertansiyon&Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 1999.
A. Kıykım, Y. Erdem, B. Altun, C. Usalan, Ş. Ulusoy, A. Akçay, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar, Ş. Kirazlı. Farklı evrelerdeki ailevi Akdeniz ateşi hastalarında serum adezyon molekül özellikleri. 1. Ulusal Hipertansiyon&Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 1999.
Ş. Ulusoy, M. Arıcı, Y. Erdem, B. Altun, C. Usalan, A. A. Kıykım, A. Akçay, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar. Hemodiyaliz tedavisine hasta uyumu: biyokimyasal parametrelerin beklenmeyen anlarda kontrol edilmesi. 1. Ulusal Hipertansiyon&Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 1999.
Altun, Y. Erdem, Ş. Ulusoy, C. Usalan, A.Akçay, A. A. Kıykım, Ü. Yasavul, Ç. Turgan, Ş. Çağlar. Normotansif ve hipertansif hemodiyaliz hastalarında gelişen ateroskleroz ve sol ventrikül hipertrofisinde renin anjiotensin sisteminin rolü. 1. Ulusal Hipertansiyon&Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 1999.
Y. Akcan, Z. Bicik, M. Alper, O. Üsküdar, A.Akçay, O. Belenli. Kısa süreli üçlü tedavinin helicobacter pylori eradikasyon tedavisinde yetersizliği. 17. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2000.
A.Akçay, Y. Akcan, M. Alper, O. Üsküdar, O. Belenli. Ketokanazolün indüklemesi sonucunda akut hepatit B enfeksiyonu gibi prezente olan bir kronik hepatit B olgusu. 17. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2000.
Y. Akcan, Y. Çınar, O. Yavuz, M. Alper, O. Üsküdar, A.Akçay, Z. Bicik. The evaluation of long-term biochemical effects of Billroth II operation. 17. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2000.
Y. Çınar, A.Akçay, O. Üsküdar, I. Yıldız, Y. Sertbaş, E. Korkut, Y. Akcan. Diyabet hastalarının hastalıkları hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri. 2. Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2000.
F. N. Ozdemir, S. Sezer, B. H. Ozdemir, A.Akcay, Z Arat, M. Haberal. Tüberküloz infeksiyonunun hemodiyaliz hastalarında tanı ve tedavisi. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Kapadokya, 2001.
A. Akçay, E. Ağca, B. H. Özdemir, F. N. Özdemir, M. Haberal. Renal transplant fonksiyon bozukluğunda doppler ultrasonografinin değeri: renal histopatoloji ile korelasyonu. 4. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2002.
F. N. Özdemir, S. Sezer, A. Akçay, B. H. Özdemir, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Hemodiyaliz hastalarında kronik HCV enfeksiyonunun tedavisinde INF-alfa’nın yeri: 5 yıllık takip çalışmasının sonuçları. 4. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2002.
F. N. Özdemir, A. Akçay, T. Çolak, M. Turan, Ş. Gülmüş, M. Haberal. The influence of simvastatin in the treatment of highly sensitized dialysis patients: the long-term pre and post-renal transplantation outcomes. Doku Tiplendirmesi ve İmmunosupresyon Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2002.
A. Akçay, S. Sezer, F. N. Özdemir, F. B. Ataç, H. Verdi, M. Terzioğlu, Z. Arat, T. Çolak, M. Haberal. Relationship between angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and chronic allograft dysfunction in renal transplant patients. Doku Tiplendirmesi ve İmmunosupresyon Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2002.
F. B. Ataç, A. Akçay, F. N. Özdemir, H. Verdi, M. Terzioğlu, T. Çolak, R. Emiroğlu, M. Haberal. Polymorphisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensinogen, angiotensin ii type 1 and type 2 receptors and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in Turkish renal transplant recipients. Doku Tiplendirmesi ve İmmunosupresyon Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2002.
S. Sezer, F. N. Özdemir, A. Akçay, E. Külah, Z. Arat, R. Erdal, M. Haberal. Post-transplant C-reactive protein monitoring predicts chronic rejection and renal allograft survival. Doku Tiplendirmesi ve İmmunosupresyon Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2002.
S. Sezer, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, B. Budak, A. Haberal, M. Haberal. SAPD hastalarında aşırı kilo alımı için risk faktörleri. 19. Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2002.
S. Sezer, Z. Arat, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Turan, M. Haberal. SAPD hastalarında periton transport durumu ve klinik sonuçları. 19. Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2002.
S. Sezer, A. Akcay, F. N. Ozdemir, M. Uluçam, Z. Arat, R. Erdal, M. Haberal. SAPD hastalarında sol ventrikül hipertrofisi ve ambulatuvar kan basıncının belirleyicileri. 19. Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2002.
A. Akçay, F. N. Özdemir, F. B. Ataç, S. Sezer, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genotype is a predictive factor in the peak panel-reactive antibody (PRA) response. Türk Transplantasyon Derneği ile Eurotransplant’ın Birleşik Toplantısı, Ankara, 2003.
H. Micozkadioglu, T. Colak, A. Akcay, S. Sezer, F. B. Atac, H. Verdi, F. N. Ozdemir, Z. Arat, M. Haberal. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism significantly affects renal posttransplantation erythrocytosis. Türk Transplantasyon Derneği ile Eurotransplant’ ın Birleşik Toplantısı, Ankara, 2003.
F. N. Özdemir, A. Akçay, F. B. Ataç, H. Micozkadioğlu, H. Verdi, Z. Arat, R. Erdal. Son dönem böbrek yetmezliği hastalarinda renin-anjiyotensin sistem ve endotelyal nitrik oksit sentaz gen polimorfizimleri. 20. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2003.
S. Sezer, A. Akçay, F. N. Özdemir, F. B. Ataç, A. İbiş, M. Haberal. Sürekli ayaktan periton diyaliz tedavisinde kalıcı ultrafiltrasyon yetersizliği risk faktörleri. 20. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2003.
Selçuk H, Gür G, Akçay A, Aslan H, Özdemir N, Boyacıoğlu S. Son dönem böbrek yetmezlikli hastalarda HCV genotiplerinin bölgesel farkları. 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2003.
Selçuk H, Gür G, Aslan H, Akçay A, Özdemir N, Boyacıoğlu S. Son dönem böbrek yetmezlikli hastalarda HCV genotiplerinin diyaliz türlerine göre dağılımı. 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 2003.
Sezer S, Tutal E, Ataç FB, Verdi H, Akçay A, Özdemir FN, Haberal M. Türk diyaliz hastalarında RAS ve ENOS gen polimorfizimleri ve sağ kalım üzerine olası etkileri. 21. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2004.
Özdemir FN, Arat Z, Erdem A, Ağca E, Akçay A, Sezer S, Haberal M. Merkezimizde takip edilen 703 hemodiyaliz hastası üzerinde hemodiyaliz süresinin etkisi. 21. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2004.
Özdemir FN, Tutal E, Arat Z, Zümrütdal A, Akçay A, Çelik H, Sezer S, Haberal H. Hemodiyaliz hastalarında kronik hepatit C prevalansı ve klinik durum üzerine olan etkisi. 21. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, Antalya, 2004.
Sezer S, Akgül A, Özdemir F, Akçay A, Haberal M. Periton diyalizi hastalarında periton katater delinmesi sonrasında peritonit sıklığı ve tedavi yaklaşımları. 14. Ulusal Böbrek Hastalıkları, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Hemşireliği Kongresi, Antalya, 2004.
Akçay A, Avsar B, Elsürer R, Sezer S, Özdemir F. Serum ürik asit düzeyi: Noktürnal kan basıncının metabolik bir belirteci olabilir mi? 7. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya, 2005.
Diğer yayınlar
A.Akçay, B. Altun. Böbrek Yetmezlikleri, Üroloji El Kitabı. 1. Baskı, Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, 1999. (KİTAP BÖLÜMÜ)
Ulusal & Uluslarası Projeler
TUBİTAK-1001 Projesi (112S321): Diyabetik Nefropati Patogenezinde İnflamazom ve İnterlökin-33’ün Rolü. (Yürütücü, 15.11.2012-15.07.2014, 228.000,00 TL).
TUBİTAK-1001 Projesi (112S253): Fokal Segmental Glomerulosklerozis modelinde otofajinin rolü ve otofajinin regülasyonunda intrarenal mikroRNA ve prorenin reseptör ekspresyonunun değerlendirilmesi. (Araştırmacı, 15.11.2012-15.11.2014, 238.000,00 TL).
TUBİTAK-1001 Projesi (214S119): Diyabetik Nefropati Patogenezinde Anormal Anjiyogenez ve ADAMTS’ların Rolünün Değerlendirilmesi. (Araştırmacı, 15.04.2015-15.04.2017, 398.250,00 TL).
İdari Görevler
Nefroloji Bilim Dalı Başkanlığı (2005-2016)
İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı (2013-2016)
Tıp Fakültesi Dekan Yardımcılığı (2013-2014)
Bilimsel ve Mesleki Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
Türk Nefroloji Derneği
Avrupa Nefroloji Derneği (ERA-EDTA)
Ankara Tabip Odası
“Yılın Başarılı Asistanı Ödülü”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları AD, Ankara (1998)
“Proje Teşvik Ödülü”, Türk Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Derneği Proje Yarışması, 4. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya (2002)
“Araştırma Sunum Ödülü”, Dünya Nefroloji Kongresi, Berlin, Almanya (2003)
“Araştırma Sunum Ödülü”, Dünya Nefroloji Kongresi, Berlin, Almanya (2003
“ISPD Young Investigators Travel Grant”, ISPD-EUROPD Kongresi, Amsterdam, Hollanda (2004)
“ISPD Young Investigators Travel Grant”, ISPD-EUROPD Kongresi, Amsterdam, Hollanda (2004)
“En İyi İkinci Sözlü Sunum Ödülü”, Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Böbrek Hastalıkları Kongresi, Antalya (2005)
“ISN Travel Grant”, 3. Dünya Nefroloji Kongresi, Singapur (2005)
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